Bilingual Course

Bilingual Course: We have studied adjectives in different contexts as preparation for our Project. Juniors 1 students played Tic Tac Toe, using vocabulary and in the online classes, we also had a dynamic of oral comprehension through drawing. Great Job Guys!!!!

Bilíngue: Estamos estudando os Adjectives dentro de vários contextos como preparação para nosso Project. Os students do Juniors 1 jogaram Tic Tac Toe utilizando vocabulário e online também tivemos uma dinâmica de compreensão por meio de desenho. Great Job Guys!!!!

Variedade de vocabulário.

Bilíngue: No bilíngue, os alunos aprendem uma grande variedade de vocabulário, parte essa tão fundamental no aprendizado de segunda língua. Nessa atividade realizada no início de março, os alunos tiveram que identificar a primeira letra das palavras que estão ouvindo e relacioná-las com as figuras. Foi uma atividade muito divertida e produtiva 

Bilingual course: In bilingual, students learn a wide variety of vocabulary, which is fundamental in second language learning. In this activity, done in early March, the students had to identify the first letter of the words they are hearing and relate them to the pictures. It was a very fun activity 

St. Patrick’s Day

Bilingual course: St. Patrick’s Day, observed every March 17, is packed with parades, good luck charms, and all things green. The date is remembered in all English-speaking countries, where people dress in green. Our students and teachers could not miss out! Even remotely, they dressed in green, did activities on the topic and had lots of fun!

Bilíngue: O Dia de São Patrício, comemorado todo dia 17 de março, é repleto de desfiles, amuletos de boa sorte e todas as coisas verdes. A data é lembrada em todos os países de língua inglesa, onde as pessoas se vestem de verde. Nossos alunos e professores não podiam ficar de fora! Mesmo remotamente, eles se vestiram de verde, fizeram atividades sobre o tema e se divertiram muito!




Bilingual Course

Bilingual Course: Juniors 1 students have learnt about shapes! And the best way to learn is putting hands into action! With ice cream sticks, the students built things using their imagination and the shapes we learned in class.

Bilíngue: A turma do Juniors 1 aprenderam sobre formas geométricas! E qual o melhor jeito de aprender se não colocando a mão na massa?! Utilizando palitos de picolé, os alunos construíram diversas coisas usando a imaginação e as formas geométricas que aprendemos em aula.

Nursery rhymes like “A Tisket, A Tasket”

Bilíngue: As canções infantis em brincadeiras como “A Tisket, A Tasket” (similar ao nosso “Corre Cotia”), não só são divertidas e contagiantes, como também são muito apropriadas para crianças de todas as idades. Muito conhecidas no nosso curso Bilíngue, os alunos desenvolvem pronúncia por meio delas e fazem com que as crianças tomem o gosto pelo idioma desde cedo. Let’s sing!

A-tisket a-tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
And on the way I dropped it,
I dropped it,
I dropped it,
And on the way I dropped it.
A little boy he picked it up and put it in his pocket

Bilíngue: Nursery rhymes like “A Tisket, A Tasket” are not only fun and contagious, but are also very proper for children of all ages. They are very popular in our Bilingual course! Through them, students develop pronunciation and make children like English language from an early age. Let’s sing!

A-tisket a-tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
And on the way I dropped it,
I dropped it,
I dropped it,
And on the way I dropped it.
A little boy he took it and put it in his pocket

At Bilingue the Kids class is studying colors! First, they identified and named each color. Then, they fed a bear according to the teacher’s instructions! The very hungry bear asked for colorful food and the students gave him the food choosing the correct colors 😁

No Bilíngue, a turma de Kids está estudando cores! Primeiro, eles identificaram e nomearam cada cor. Depois, eles alimentaram um urso de acordo com as instruções da teacher. O urso muito faminto pediu por comida colorida, e os alunos o alimentaram, escolhendo as cores certas 😁

Bilíngue – Teens: The students already know about Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated in several countries, especially in the English language, on February 14th every year. On our return to classes, they could see that this celebration reaches even the cartoons that they like so much by practicing listening and comprehension. In our other half of the class, they created cards for the people they admire, after all, Valentine’s Day in these countries serves to show affection to those who we love.

Bilíngue – Teens: Os alunos já sabem sobre o Dia dos Namorados que é comemorado em vários países, especialmente os de língua inglesa, em 14 de fevereiro todos os anos. Na nossa volta às aulas, eles puderam aprender sobre essa data comemorativa, praticando a escuta e compreensão ao assistir vídeos em inglês. Na nossa outra metade da aula, eles criaram cartões para as pessoas que eles admiram, afinal o Dia dos Namorados nesses países serve para demonstrar afeto a quem amamos.

Acolhimento bilíngue!

Today we learned and remembered our routine. The students sang, played, and showed the class their favorite animals!

It was so fun! ♥️

Acolhimento bilíngue!

Hoje nós aprendemos e relembramos nossa rotina.

Os alunos cantaram, brincaram e mostraram para a turma seus animais preferidos!

Foi muito divertido ♥️


Our students have already started the classes! Hangman, Valentine’s card, freeze and dance, bingo, musical chairs, stop, book reading, dynamics… in Bilingual, we have a lot of fun! We wish you all a great return and a semester full of challenges and learning.

“Juniors 3 – Directions Project”

Our Juniors 3 students had the challenge of being tourist guides giving information to the Teens! Each student selected a city, did a guided search and created their map, with the places of the city. In the activities of speaking and role play, the students intended to give information in a satisfactory way, such as “I’m hungry. Where can I go?” “You can go to the restaurant”or “I’m sick. Where can I go?” ” You can go to the hospital.” For this purpose, the students learned several places of the city, such as post office, hospital, museum, restaurant, bakery, supermarket, drugstore, train station, movie theater, toy store etc, as well as exploring a lot of information about the city, such as money, sightseeing, curiosities etc.